FAFX is a collaborative animation short created by a group of students from the Academy of Art University for its Fall Animation Festival 2010. FAFX opening short began its pre-production process during February 2010 in a studio apartment with six students discussing the idea of creating the short film. The director of the film, Yamil Medina, began the process with an idea that included a character running to the Fall Animation Festival late.

The idea began to rapidly unfold after the first meeting with new designs and aspects towards the story. In a few short weeks, a simple idea was created into a story and an animatic, which kicked off the production process of the short film. The production process has lasted 10 months during which students have taken time off of their busy school schedules to work on the project.

I was responsible for assisting the director, compositing, coloring and the 3d shot.

ClientMyselfServicesAssitant to Director / Asset Creation / 3D Shot / Coloring / CompositingYear2010SoftwareToon Boom / Maya / Photoshop / After Effects

Art Director // CG Generalist

Email: jcalduch(at)gmail.com
Phone: +852 9794 4792

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Please feel free to drop a line to say hi or for any inquiry.

Currently available for freelance. Between Barcelona and Hong Kong.